Why Choose us?


  • All our services include bespoke designs to suit your individual needs. The most important thing for us is our client’s satisfaction.

  • We have years of experience producing and operating any type of events.

  • Webstreaming is not a new technology for us.

  • We are passionate about the latest technology.

  • We are reducing our carbon footprint, and yours, by organising events online and by repairing and reusing AV/IT equipment.



Irish-Hellenic Society

Like many voluntary organisations, the Irish Hellenic Society faced major difficulties when Covid restrictions closed down our meetings, which had been held in person since our first meeting in 1962. These mostly consisted of illustrated lectures from the United Arts Club in Dublin 2. As a social and cultural organisation how could we possibly give our members continuing access to Society events? From bad experiences elsewhere, we knew how a poorly organised virtual event might reflect badly on our Society. So we were blessed to have found the services of Crowdlink from the very start. Not being in the least tech-savvy, Crowdlink gave us good advice on buying the right equipment at the right price for a small organisation like ours. We now have excellent sound and vision quality at our events, often much better than on radio or TV: our members do not have to put up with poor sound quality, and the visual content has been excellent. Most of our members had never used video-conferencing, so there was a need for a training process. The outcome has been most gratifying. Although of course we miss the personal touch – the face-to-face contact among our members, we are glad that not one of us has had our health compromised in any way, and the changeover to virtual meetings has been surprisingly smooth. Video-conferencing works well when it is properly organised. We have benefitted by having a new type of meeting which would have been impossible before Crowdlink got involved. Our virtual meetings have all been professionally advertised on social media, with individually designed slides to highlight each event, all using the Society’s distinctive design. For the first time, we have been able to link up with Greek people from all over Greece and Cyprus, and with interested viewers in other continents, as well as throughout the whole of Ireland. Hosting successful events is all about detailed preparation: excellent prior planning of each event has ensured that the visual, video or musical contributions we used have been faultless in their timing and reception. Where subtitles in Greek, English or Irish were needed, these were prepared in advance and used seamlessly. What could have been a nerve-wracking experience has turned out to be a very positive one, where the advantages of professionally-run video-conferencing are clear to all. A further plus: whereas in the past our events were of a one-off nature, and could clash with other events attended by our members, they can now all be seen, after any necessary editing by Crowdlink, by anyone anywhere in the world, using YouTube and FaceBook. They are worth watching a second time! Most of all, Crowdlink has given us peace of mind: technical difficulties out of our control can of course arise, but with Crowdlink they are forestalled or solved quickly. Considering the constraints involved for a small society like ours, our events compare favourably with some produced on national television, but at a fraction of the cost. Our speakers and members can now relax and concentrate on enjoying the content of our meetings, while leaving any technical headaches to Crowdlink. Judge for yourself on our YouTube channel.

Paddy Sammon
President, Irish-Hellenic Society