IT Support

Focusing on individuals and SME we offer support services to get the most out of your computer.

Computer Doctor

  • Is your computer not working?
  • Is your computer slow?
  • Do you need a new one?
  • How can I upgrade my computer?

Crowdlink’s Computer Doctor have the answers.  We offer repair and upgrade services and we sell brand new computers as well.

 Network Design

Network reliability is a critical factor in our every day life. Communication (phones, tablets..), entertainment (smart tvs, gaming consoles..), work related devices (computers, tablets..) and smart home appliances (lamps, air-condition..)  require network connectivity. Crowdlink can design, build and maintain your data network for your home and business.


The technological solutions we use every day, are updating and expanding. Crowdlink is following all updates and improvements and is ready to train you in the most up to date platforms. Learn from basic to advanced:

  • Creating presentations Powerpoint, Keynote, Prezi
  • Video editing and image processing
  • Webconferencing hosting and administration (Teams, Zoom, Webex)
  • Audio editing
  • Social media
  • website and webshop updating

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