Hybrid Events


A hybrid event combines a live, in-person event and audience with a virtual component and a virtual audience. It can be either live or recorded, depending on your event goals.

A successful hybrid event will seamlessly integrate the physical in-person component with the needs of the online audience. Both sets of attendees, whether virtual or in-person, should be able to listen to the speakers, engage with each other, participate in activities, and network with anyone involved.


Advantages of hybrid events: 

  • Attracting bigger audiences, since a hybrid event means there’s no need to travel.
  • Better audience engagement. Both in-person and on-line attendees have the opportunity to engage with each other, and interact with the presentation.
  • Better sponsorship opportunities, as sponsors recognize the benefits of hybrid events.
  • Attracting remote speakers: busy professionals and scientists can accept an invitation to take part in a hybrid conference much more easily, as they don’t need to waste work/research time travelling.
  • Flexibility: scheduling a hybrid event easily gets around any unforeseeable restrictions at a local or global level (e.g. volcanic ash from Iceland!).
  • Reducing environmental impact: having some of the audience or presenters online minimises travel and hence the carbon footprint of your event.
  • Extending venue capacity. Social distancing has reduced venue capacity. A hybrid event doesn’t just restore capacity, it extends it.
  • Remote and in-person attendees can watch the recording of the event and go deeper into the subject matter.